St Joseph's Book Club
Our Next Meeting
Thursday February 20th
​and then the third Thursday each month in the Church Hall
1.30pm to 3pm.
Our new book is Edith Stein, Woman of Prayer
by Joanne Mosley
After some refreshment we will open in prayer.
Then, spiritually read a chapter, pausing, reflecting and sharing our thoughts leading to some discussion.
We end with a prayer.
It will be lovely to see all of you......
Fran and Anita.
Further information:
Anita 01626 366403
Fran 01626 360794

During our January meeting we read and discussed 'The Ultimate Sacrifice' which concludes Part 1 of this lovely book.
It was certainly challenging and from a quiet, gentle and at times amusing content, eventually led us to Edith, her sister Rosa, and other Jews, arriving by train in Auschwitz.
From there in the early hours of Sunday morning on the 9th August 1942 most of them were immediately taken to the gas chambers.
We hope to briefly engage with this important chapter next time and learn something about Edith Stein's experience in Westerbork, a transit camp, from two eyewitness accounts of her final days.
Onto chapter 5 - Jews: Empathy in Prayer. Edith was truly empathic - a person of inner silence who put herself in others' shoes. Meeting and forming, where?
We encounter the living Christ in the Eucharist, the Gospels and silent prayer.